
Last year, we fulfilled 4,042 needs for children in foster care through our three main focus areas:


Basic Needs Filled


Activities, Camps, and Special Occasions


Aging-Out Youth Supported

Daily Requests

Every day, Foster Angels processes requests to provide immediate assistance in the form of basic needs and life-enhancing opportunities to children in foster care within 48 hours.

Guide to Thrive

The Guide to Thrive program serves youth in foster care who need ongoing support to be matched with resources so that youth can thrive beyond foster care through our Bright Angel Scholars, Keys to Success and Port Aransas Fishing Trip programs.

Back to School Drive

More than 2,000 children in foster care start the school year with a brand-new backpack filled with the essentials because of our back to school drive each summer.

Toys for Teens

The holidays can be a difficult time for a teenager in foster care. They deserve to feel special and know that someone cares about them. In December, 180+ teens submit wish lists and then are matched with sponsors to make their holidays a little brighter.